Workplace Accident chronic pain

Living With Chronic Pain After a Workplace Accident

Chronic pain is a condition that can suck the joy out of every aspect of your life. It limits your ability to work and provide for your loved ones, spend time with your family and friends, and engage in the hobbies that make free time fun. When a workplace accident leaves you with chronic pain, you must get the compensation you need to maintain your independence and get necessary medical care.

Our team of workers’ compensation lawyers in Mobile is here to help you get what you’re owed. Call Thiry & Caddell at 251-336-3627 to set up a consultation with our team right away.


How Chronic Pain Affects Your Daily Life

People with chronic pain know the severe negative effects it can have on an individual’s life. For many people, the most challenging part of an injury is accepting the fact that chronic pain will be a part of their life going forward. The effects of chronic pain extend to every single part of your life.

To start, chronic pain often leaves people with significant physical limitations. It may force you to sleep more, restrict your movement, and opt out of routine activities. This slowly drains a person’s independence and leaves them reliant on those they trust.

Chronic pain also takes a major emotional toll on people. The weight of chronic pain is heavy, and it can deplete your ability to deal with other life stressors and situations in a healthy way. Heightened stress, depression, and anxiety all often follow a chronic pain diagnosis.

Work challenges are incredibly common among those who suffer from chronic pain. They may find themselves unable to keep up with the same pace of work that they once handled with ease. As a result, they may have to drop to part-time work or completely change career paths—this often results in a loss of income.

Perhaps one of the most serious side effects of chronic pain is poor sleep. The body must be able to relax to fall into a deep sleep, and chronic pain makes it impossible to relax fully. Because of this, people with chronic pain often suffer from insomnia, interrupted sleep, poor sleep quality, and unstable sleep patterns.


Handling Your Treatment Needs and Expenses

Getting the treatment you need for chronic pain is often a significant hurdle to jump. To start, those who seek pain management via medication risk being labeled as drug seekers and being barred from getting pain medications for their legitimate medical issues. You may have to visit multiple providers to find one who will take your care needs seriously and work with you to find remedies that actually address your pain.

Other medical care you may need includes therapy for the mental strain caused by chronic pain and rehabilitative therapy. Rehabilitative therapies may help you maintain or regain lost physical skills, do daily tasks in ways that accommodate your limitations, and improve your overall well-being.

The costs associated with living with chronic pain can be high. That’s why it’s important to make full use of your workers’ compensation benefits in Alabama if your chronic pain comes from a work-related injury.


Using Workers’ Comp to Get the Care You Need

The Workers’ Compensation Division of the Alabama Department of Labor manages benefits for injured workers throughout the state. Workers’ comp may cover a wide range of medical services related to your chronic pain while providing you with partial income replacement benefits. The claims process is straightforward, but you do have to report your injury fairly quickly to get the benefits you’re entitled to.

In some cases, employers may push back against claims if they believe they are fraudulent or simply want to improve their metrics. When that happens, you may need to involve a workers’ comp lawyer in Mobile. An attorney can help you fight a denied claim, hold an employer accountable for failing to file your claim, and help you with any retaliatory actions taken by your employer.


Injured at Work? Contact Thiry & Caddell Today

If you’ve been injured at work, let the team at Thiry & Caddell fight for the compensation you are legally entitled to. Call our Mobile office at 251-336-3627 or send us a message online to schedule a consultation with our team.

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