Entries by Thiry & Caddell, LLP

Workers’ Compensation Claims for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

If you type, cook, or use a cash register for a living, you’re probably familiar with that painful twinge your wrists get at the end of a long day. Carpal tunnel syndrome is a fairly common disorder that affects the median nerve and tendons in your wrists. It commonly results in pain, numbness, weakness, and […]

Can You Get Workers’ Compensation If You Aggravate a Preexisting Condition?

Life brings experience, and with it, a litany of illnesses and injuries. The term “preexisting conditions” has a negative connotation to it, and you’ll often find health insurance providers rushing to deny claims based on a preexisting condition. However, how does that work when it comes to workers’ compensation? If you’ve had a preexisting condition […]

Workers’ Compensation for Heat-Related Work Injuries

Working in the heat is part of life in Alabama, but that doesn’t mean you have to suffer through heat-related illnesses and injuries without the help of your employer. If a heat-related illness occurs at work, you may be entitled to medical care and partial income replacement through the workers’ compensation system. Learn more about […]

Can I Take a New Job While Receiving Workers’ Compensation?

Navigating the workers’ compensation system can be complicated, with many injured employees not knowing what type of care they’re entitled to, how much money they receive for lost wages, or how long they can stay off of work. The situation becomes even more complex if you decide to start a new job while receiving workers’ […]

Will I Lose My Workers’ Comp Benefits If My Employer Fires Me?

In case seeking workers’ compensation wasn’t stressful enough, employees also have to worry about losing their jobs while they’re away from work. There are a lot of questions regarding the legality of this, as well as questions about what happens to your benefits if you get fired. It’s crucial to understand your rights when receiving […]

What if I’m Injured During Lunch Break?

Some workplace injuries are very cut and dry. You’re operating a machine when it malfunctions and traps your hand, leaving you with a broken hand. You’re carrying something for a client when your back spasms and you can’t even walk. You’re working on a construction site when a careless driver hits you. But what happens […]