workplace injury attorney Mobile Alabama

Coping With Emotional and Psychological Trauma from a Workplace Accident

Workplace accidents can leave you struggling with injuries, worried about your job security, and uncertain about your next steps. Beyond the physical effects of an injury, you may find yourself dealing with significant emotional and psychological trauma.

What happens when you can’t get the help you need to move on from a workplace accident? It’s time to talk to a workers’ compensation lawyer in Mobile who can help you get the benefits you deserve. Call Thiry & Caddell at 251-336-3627 to set up a consultation with a lawyer now.


How Emotional and Psychological Trauma Can Occur

Workplaces are often inherently dangerous, especially in certain industries. Even in the safest workplaces, occasional injury is inevitable. When this happens, victims are often left dealing with physical injuries and emotional distress. Victims who face severe, life-changing, or nearly fatal injuries may be unable to cope with the mental fallout.

Why does this happen? Accidents threaten your innate sense of safety and your belief that you can keep yourself safe. This may leave you constantly worrying about a repeat of the incident or an even worse accident in the future—especially in the workplace, where you can’t stay away from the scene of the accident.

Those who experience mental trauma from a workplace accident report feelings of shock, fear, anger, anxiety, helplessness, and even depression. While these feelings are most often reported by the victim, even those who were not directly involved in the accident may report emotional distress. Some struggle with survivor guilt or anxiety that they may have caused the accident.


The Signs of Trauma in the Workplace

Accident victims and workers in general need to recognize the signs of trauma. If someone returns to work while they’re still processing trauma after an accident, it may be unsafe for them to work. They are at risk of further injuring themselves or putting others at risk of injury. Common signs of trauma include:


  • Distress: Anxiety, fear, listlessness, irritability, and anger can all be signs of trauma if they seem to come out of nowhere.
  • Flashbacks: Flashbacks can be pervasive and disruptive after an accident, often leading to emotional distress and mood swings. Nightmares and intrusive thoughts are also common. If someone seems more distracted than normal after an accident, it could be due to flashbacks.
  • Avoidance behaviors: It’s common to avoid things that remind you of a traumatic event after the event has passed. This is harder in the workplace since you can’t avoid your workplace duties indefinitely. Switching tasks, work settings, or assigned coworker groups may be due to a desire to avoid anything that reminds the victim of the accident.
  • Unusual behaviors: Someone acting dramatically different from their normal demeanor could be dealing with trauma. Being quieter than usual, showing signs of overstimulation, or isolating from other people may be indicative of trauma.
  • Physical symptoms: Trauma can manifest physically, which surprises a lot of victims. Common physical symptoms of mental trauma include stomachaches and nausea, headaches, digestive concerns, and muscle tension.
  • Poor productivity: It’s common for someone injured at work to struggle with productivity once they return to the workplace. Their concentration may suffer as a result of their accident.


Resources for Victims After an Accident

Victims need to have access to a range of resources and support options after an accident. Coworkers and managers should be cognizant of the effects of trauma and recognize when a coworker may need a break or additional assistance. Some workplaces offer Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs) that offer short-term counseling for various issues. These services are available to everyone, so even those who just observed a workplace accident can get help.

Trauma-informed counseling is another resource that accident victims should explore. Counselors and therapists trained in trauma recovery can help victims develop appropriate coping skills and begin moving on.


Start Your Workers’ Compensation Claim with Thiry & Caddell

Recovering from a workplace injury can be expensive and time-consuming. However, you should get the care and financial support you need through workers’ compensation. If your employer is making it hard for you to utilize the benefits you’re entitled to, we’re here to help. Call Thiry & Caddell at 251-336-3627 or contact us online to set up a consultation.

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